Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't go eating my heart.

This email will be filled with a lot of random thoughts from me. Little or no organization.

One of our tasks for the past few weeks has been trying to find a new house to live in here in Sagay. The one we live in is fine, but it could be better. There was a serious leak in the water pipe which racked up our water bill to devilishly bad amounts, among other things. So we're moving. We found a great new place, and we (and the financial office elder) have been negotiating price, etc. I think the house will be ready for us by the end of the month. I don't know if I'll be here then. Transfers are in 2 weeks. Should I stay or should I go? It's up to Mission President Lopez, and the Lord. I haven't met the new mission president yet, but I'm sure I will soon! Rumor has it, he'll be making surprise stop-bys to the missionaries this week. I wish Pres. and Sister Tobias the best. They served a good mission.

I know it's weird to say, but the moon disappeared again this month. After it was full, I didn't see the moon again until after it had already waned, and was waxing again. Twilight Zone?

Today we visited with a brother in the ward who has an extensive bonsai tree collection. I love baby trees! They are very cool.

This week we bought more chicken liver. When we were eating the chicken though, I looked closer I realized that we purchased more organs than just liver. I definitely ate lung and also... heart. Chicken hearts are small, like the size of a quail egg. It tasted kind of like all the other chicken organs (not particularly good to my taste), but hey, at least I can say that I've eaten heart.

Adorable moment of the week:
We were visited a family in the Ward. When we arrived, the little four-year-old girl was listening to the Celine Dion hit "Power of Love." Not only was we listening to it, but she was singing along. This little girl does not speak English. So it was incredibly enjoyable to listen to her cute little out-of-tune voice (sort of) sing "'Cause I'm your laaaaaaaaaaddyyyyyyy, and you are my maaaaaaaaaannnn!!!!" I loved it.

English phrase to contemplate: "I stick out like a sore thumb."
It wasn't until recently that I realized that this phrase doesn't refer to the fact that a sore thumb is noticable, but from the fact that when a person has a sore thumb, they stick it out. Ohhhhhhh! It's a "make like a tree and leaf" joke! I never knew!

Halong kamo! (That means take care! Well, literally it means "take care, you (plural)".

Mahal kita! (Tagalog for "I love you!" Dad was subtly hinting.)
Palangga ta ka! (Illongo for "I love you!" No one asked. I'm offering it freely.)

Sister Kelli King

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