Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm a filipina!!!!!

 Hello once again, my adoring fans, or should I say my friends and family! I hope you are all well!

Last week I told you that it was rainy, right? Well this week has been HOT. Hot, and really humid too. What has added to the fun is that the other week one of the 3 functioning electric fans in our house died of old age, and this week, another one of the fans has been completely on the fritz making weird noises, and not working right, and just bring terror wherever it goes. The noise of the malfunction fan is so loud that it wakes us up in the middle of the night. Indi maayo (Not good)!

The most exciting news of the week is our baptism on Saturday! It went quite well. We are also teaching the woman's grandchildren, and they will be baptized next month a well. We also got a referral last night that has great potential. Sister Rondina will have to attend to them without me. Why?

BECAUSE I'M BEING TRANSFERRED! The APs (assistant to the president) called last night and said that Sister Palai and I are both being transferred! We need to be in Bacolod by tomorrow morning at 8 with all of our possessions. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know who my new companion will me. I don't know what language I'll be speaking. Some of the areas in the mission are Cebuano speaking instead of Ilonggo. Isn't this so fun? I've spent much of today packing. This is my first in-mission transfer, I'm nervous! Naw, I'm excited. I keep imagining that they're going to assign me with one of the other American sisters. Won't THAT be fun? We'll be tall and white together! Next week you'll know! Tomorrow I'll know! Wish me luck!

Here's a fun conversation for you from this week. And get this, it happened entirely in Ilonggo.
Random guy along the street: Hey, here comes the beautiful Americana!
Me: Thank you, but I'm a filipina!
Random guy: You're a filipina?
Me: Yes!

'Pinae ko ya!' is how you say I'm a filipina. I'm so glad Sister Rondina taught me that one.

As for the one-eared cat, I haven't seen it in over a month. My guess is that the one-eared cat has moved on to a better place... namely kitty heaven, or perhaps someone else's yard. The one-eared cat has been replaced by another much more vocal and a lot less shy cat, whom we just call "MewMew." MewMew is white, and meows a lot. The one-eared cat would run away whenever we got close. MewMew is a beggar, and delights when we come outside to dispose of our food remnants. One night I was sitting in the kitchen when I felt the familiar feeling of a cat rubbing against my leg. My thought process was thus: Huh, what's that on my leg. Oh it's a cat. Wait. We don't have a cat! Then I screamed out loud, because I was confused, and there was a cat (MewMew) who had just walked into the house! That's what we get for leaving the door open I guess.

Sister Kelli King

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